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Pipe Ceremony

Every month, we hold ceremony in which we offer prayers and songs to the Creator and Ancestors in communion with the sacred pipe. All are welcome to join us whether new to the ceremony or have some history with the ceremony.

The pipe circle is about sharing, witnessing and holding space as we each explore our relationship with Spirit in prayer and offerings.

Join us locally face to face, or virtually via Zoom for this gathering. If joining us locally please note the address shared after you RSVP.

The Circle starts promptly at 1 pm.

Please bring your sacred pipes if you have one and bring your good intentions and joyful heart.

Also, there will be a POTLUCK following the event. Our talking circle will be what is relevant for your prayers and what needs to be witnessed at this time.

If joining us virtually, we will open the zoom call ten minutes before 1 pm MST, and you will be able to join us and the community in prayer and song.

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 804 936 4877
Passcode: 04062020

Additional guidelines for the circle:

We have many newcomers to this event and want to offer some guidance on our process and how each person can actively participate where they sit.

  1. It's acceptable and valuable to simply sit, watch, meditate, pray within yourself as we conduct the ceremony. We are all energy conduits where we sit mindfully. There will be opportunity and open invitation for people to verbally offer their prayer/thoughts (a prayer is a heartfelt engagement with deity/higher power and there is no "right way" to pray. Offering your thoughts is in fact a prayer.

  2. Perhaps you carry a pipe (personal or communal). Feel free to join us from where you sit and follow along as we conduct the ceremony. When we smoke is when you would smoke.

  3. No Pipe? You can still offer tobacco. Each time we honor the directions (7 directions/7 pinches of tobacco) you would take a pinch and offer it as we offer it to the pipes beginning in the East. You would place each pinch on a plate and when we smoke the tobacco you would burn your tobacco on a small coal. No coal or fire? When we are done, offer the tobacco to the natural world (running water or wind).

  4. Those of you joining us at our home, the Sacred Pipes are often passed for you to partake.

I hope this is useful information as we connect globally in this manner of prayer and community.

November 23

Sweat Lodge

January 1

SPECIAL: New Year Day Sweat Lodge