Self Care as Spiritual Practice
This logic is something like this; how can we offer ourselves in assistance to someone else when we have not taken care of our own selves first?
Farewell Dear Friend
I’m going to use the blog today to memorialize our sweet dog, Kaizer.
Mongolian Report 2023
The constructs of time are no longer our dictators and the rhythms of the body in relationship to the sun (and moon) guide our process. Unplugged from computers, iPads, phones and wi-fi liberate us from the anxieties of the world. The constructs of time were suspended, literally.
A Buzz in the Land
Is there a hunger for something mythical and magical that will bring us to a deeper lived experience? Are folks tuning into the perspective that there is a calling to stand in power?
Why Chase the Shadows?
Exploring the shadow can ultimately liberate us from the idea that we are helpless in shaping the realities that we seek to embrace and allows us to step more fully into our power and awareness that translates into our magic in the world.
Activating our Unique Gifts
..we engaged in several rituals, working with different spirits, other worldly beings, and elemental energies to access and fully immersed ourselves in the discovery of our unique spiritual gifts.
When we speak about transformation what does that mean? What would be the demonstrated value of transformation?
Here we are!
We were nervous as we weren’t sure how we would be perceived by this highly educated and esteemed group of professionals. Before this event, in a Pipe Ceremony, I asked the ancestors to confirm their support and guidance and I got a deep sense that all would be well.
Intention is the Seed to Our Future.
Often as one enters ceremony an elder will speak and ask, what is your intention for the ceremony? What are you seeking?
Amazing and Magical Manifestations
We have witnessed the daring and powerful journeys of those who come and participate in the rituals, retreats and processes offered as well as the integrations of that work for meaningful outcomes.
Sacred Collaborations
How do you teach someone how to pray?
The word prayer can trigger many responses based on cultural and social cues and often the word is used as if there is a common relationship to prayer when it’s likely to be highly individualistic.
What a Rubik’s Cube Taught Me About Ego
The impact of this vision altered ways in how I walk in my world. I find that what I learned in this journey has been an anchor point in my allowance of spirit to fully work through me.
Climbing Our Personal Mountains in Peru
Recently Inspirit hosted a trip for 14 days in Peru. We had 12 participants join us on a pilgrimage to various destinations in Peru, guided by our “Paco” (Quechua word that means Healer) Ruben Orellana who educated us on the cultural and spiritual landscape of Peru.
The Path of the Apprentice
Once ignited around things of Spirit people often want to explore “how to learn more” and this short article invites the participated to more fully examine what they are requesting in “being an apprentice”
The Lessons of Juniper
There is a story told in sweat lodge that frequently is overlooked but has profound implications if considered carefully. I tell this story each time we sweat in honor of the medicine of the Cedar/Juniper.
Aho Mitakyu Oyasin
This term Aho Mitakuye Oyasin is used in many sacred settings as a greeting, affirmation and often a way of ending a prayer. My understanding is this term is from the Lakota language but is used in many different communities.
What does Aho Mitakuye Oyasin mean?
What Elders Have to Teach
Many moons ago I was asked to reflect on my then brief experiences of learning with my indigenous elders. Twenty years later I found this article and felt it was worthy to repost….
Q Salt Lake article on our Queer Spirit Summer Retreat
Q Salt Lake generously shares announcement regarding the Summer Queer Spirit Retreat… read here.