Sweat Lodge
*** This tends to be a popular event, RSVP is critical to meeting the demand. If RSVP exceed our capacity you will be notified via e mail of being added to a cancellation list. An email will be sent confirming your designated time.***
Please let us know as soon as possible should you need to cancel your secured slot so others may join who want to.
Join us for a traditional sweat lodge. Bring clothing you can sweat in, such as a swimsuit or exercise shorts, as well as a couple of towels and dry clothes you can change back into. Come well hydrated, and be sure to read our instructions and guidelines in advance. They give you a great idea of what to expect.
The sacred lodge takes place in our beautiful back garden with Lone Peak towering above. A pot luck dinner follows, so be sure to bring an item to share. We will conclude late in the evening.
Donations to cover costs and materials are appreciated but not required.